10 Helpful Dysgraphia Resources

Are you or your child struggling with dysgraphia, or difficulty writing? The following resources will help you learn more about dysgraphia and find help. You can always use NCLD’s Resource Locator to find programs in your local area.

  1. Accommodations and Modifications for Students with Handwriting Problems and/or Dysgraphia: Visit this page by Susan Jones, MEd for ideas on classroom accommodations, modifications, and remediation for students with dysgraphia.
  2. Assistive Technology for Writing: Assistive technology can be of great benefit for students with dysgraphia. Check out this page for a listing of some of the most popular keyboarding programs, portable keyboards, note-taking software, and speech-to-text dictation programs.
  3. Eye to Eye: Eye to Eye is a “mentoring movement for different thinkers,” providing mentoring programs to students identified with learning disabilities such as dysgraphia and dyslexia. Visit their site to learn more about their program and find out how to get involved.
  4. Family Center on Technology and Disability: Resource Reviews: There are many assistive technology tools to help people with dysgraphia and other learning disabilities. Research specific tools and find out what the experts think at this website.
  5. The Importance of Teaching Handwriting: All children (especially those with dysgraphia) need explicit teaching of handwriting. Check out this article for information on why handwriting lessons are important and find out tips for teaching and assessing handwriting.
  6. Parent Center Network - Parent Center Listing: If you are the parent of a K-12 student with dysgraphia, you’ll want to take a look at this site and find your nearest Parent Training and Information Center (PTI). PTIs are funded by the federal government and offer parents assistance in navigating special education and their child’s rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
  7. Powerful Writing Strategies for All Students by Karen R. Harris, Steve Graham, Linda H. Mason, and Barbara Friedlander (Brookes Publishing, 2008): This handbook provides educators with practical, evidence-based lesson plans and support materials for teaching writing to students with and without dysgraphia and other learning disabilities.
  8. Strategies for Dealing with Dysgraphia: This article from LD Online offers extensive tips on helping students with dysgraphia succeed in writing.
  9. Strategies for the Reluctant Writer: Dysgraphia can make students reluctant to write. Read this article for ideas on building students’ motivation to write and supporting them throughout the writing process.
  10. Understanding Dysgraphia: This factsheet from the International Dyslexia Association includes answers to frequently asked questions about dysgraphia and ideas for instructional activities to support students with dysgraphia.