What is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and what does
it have to do with learning disabilities (LD)?
ADHD and LD are not the
same thing, but ADHD certainly can interfere with learning and behavior.
About one-third of people with LD have ADHD. Clear up your confusion
about the two often co-occurring disorders by accessing the information
The Difference Between LD and ADHD
Although LD and ADHD are different, they do share some similarities.
Both are neurological disorders that affect how the brain receives,
processes and responds to information. But their origins are different
and people receive different types of treatment for them.
Researchers are still studying the cause of ADHD. Evidence points to levels of brain chemicals (neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin) being out of balance. This can lead to problems with organization, easy frustration and social interactions. In turn, this can affect schoolwork and learning.
With LD, the specific systems in the brain that are deficient are even less well understood. LD is a broad category that includes many different types of problems in areas such as listening, reading, writing, spelling and math. Processing information in each of these areas depends upon a brain that is wired for speed and efficiency. When the flow of information is misrouted or delayed, or when one area in the brain is not working at full capacity, the result is a breakdown in learning.
ADHD is often treated with medication and therapy, and LD with educational and behavioral approaches.
Researchers are still studying the cause of ADHD. Evidence points to levels of brain chemicals (neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin) being out of balance. This can lead to problems with organization, easy frustration and social interactions. In turn, this can affect schoolwork and learning.
With LD, the specific systems in the brain that are deficient are even less well understood. LD is a broad category that includes many different types of problems in areas such as listening, reading, writing, spelling and math. Processing information in each of these areas depends upon a brain that is wired for speed and efficiency. When the flow of information is misrouted or delayed, or when one area in the brain is not working at full capacity, the result is a breakdown in learning.
ADHD is often treated with medication and therapy, and LD with educational and behavioral approaches.
Causes and Symptoms of ADHD
ADHD is a common childhood brain disorder that may continue into
adolescence and adulthood. ADHD often runs in families. Many studies
suggest that genes do, in fact, play a big role in ADHD. Other potential
contributors to ADHD include:
- Environmental factors such as early exposure to lead or to alcohol before birth
- Brain injury
Some people believe that refined sugar causes ADHD or makes it worse. However, the research does not support this theory. And more research is needed to confirm a possible link between ADHD and food additives such as artificial colors.1 It’s also important to know that ADHD is not the result of poor parenting.
Symptoms of ADHD are often severe, frequent, and first occur early, between the ages of three and six. The main symptoms are related to:
- Staying focused and paying attention
- Delaying gratification or controlling impulses
- Being overly active or restless2
Types of ADHD
There are two main types of ADHD. A third type is a combination of the two main types.
Hyperactive-impulsive type of ADHD. Children with this type of ADHD usually receive a diagnosis at a younger age than those with other types. Children with this type of ADHD may:
Hyperactive-impulsive type of ADHD. Children with this type of ADHD usually receive a diagnosis at a younger age than those with other types. Children with this type of ADHD may:
- Move and fidget constantly (Teens and adults may have only a sense of internal restlessness.)
- Talk nonstop
- Have trouble with quiet activities
- Often act without thinking about the consequences of their actions
- Have trouble taking turns or often disrupt games and conversations
- Have trouble controlling temper outbursts
Inattentive type of ADHD. Children with this type of ADHD have trouble putting the needed attention and effort into their schoolwork. This type is more easily missed at an early age. As responsibility for schoolwork and life management increases, trouble staying organized becomes more apparent. Children with this type of ADHD may:
- Appear to not pay attention to details or to listen when spoken to
- Daydream a lot
- Be slow to process information
- Struggle to follow instructions
- Not sustain attention long enough to learn something new
- Have trouble completing homework
- Misplace things needed to complete tasks
- Become bored easily
- Be poorly organized
Treatment for ADHD
ADHD often occurs in combination with reading, spelling, writing, arithmetic and language problems, as well as social and emotional problems. And, ADHD can mimic other problems. That’s why it’s so important to get a careful and comprehensive medical and educational assessment by a qualified professional—someone who has the appropriate license or certification in the state in which they practice. This might be a:- Physician
- Psychologist
- Social worker
- Professional counselor
- Psychiatric nurse3
It’s also important to make careful note of patterns of behavior over time.
Although treatment does not cure ADHD, it can greatly help with symptoms. Treatment is likely to include:
- Medication such as stimulants, which can restore a better balance of neurotransmitters and have a calming effect
- Different types of psychotherapy or behavior management
- Education and training1
How You Can Help
Parents play a crucial role in helping children with ADHD. Here are
some general guidelines. Many of these tips may be helpful not only for
children, but also for teens and adults with ADHD.- Provide structure and a consistent schedule. Help your child learn routines around daily activities such as getting dressed and going to bed. Use a picture calendar/schedule for the younger child.
- Make sure that your child gets enough sleep.
- Work out “clean-up” routines and organize and label areas used for toy storage and clothing. Make picture labels for a young child and word labels for a child who can read.
- Provide consistent, low-key reminders, prompts, and cues when needed.
- Be consistent about rewards and consequences so that your child knows what to expect.
- Be generous with praise when your child performs well.
- Avoid being overly critical when things don't go well.
- Teach and monitor the use of organizational strategies. This might include color-coded folders for different subjects, checklists and to-do lists, goal setting, and breaking projects into small, manageable chunks.
- Supervise your school-age child daily in completion of homework assignments, organization of the backpack and filing of papers (but don't do it for him or her).
Also talk with your child’s teacher about ways to help your child. For example, teachers can help a lot by stressing organizational routines and staying in close communication with parents. Teachers can also allow hyperactive children to have movement breaks.